01628 561898
What does the taxi service include
Pick up will be between 7am and 9am depending on location. Drop off back home will be between 4.30pm and 6pm.
Can I drop my dog off and pick them up myself?
Yes. However, we will need to allocate a drop off and pick up time in advance which will be agreed upon booking.
What hours are you open?
Throughout the longer days (March - October) we open from 8am - 6pm. During the shorter days in winter (November - February) we operate from 8am - 4pm.
Will food be provided?
As a dog owner, you will know how important it is to make sure your pooch doesn't exercise too soon after eating. Therefore, we don't actively facilitate meal times, however we are happy to feed your dog in our indoor space with food provided by yourselves.
How can I check on my pet during day?
We will actively post on social media throughout the day and communicate via messenger should there be any concerns about your dog.
Is day care right for my dog?
No two dogs are the same, however, we ensure every dog has the opportunity to attend a free trial session to see whether day care is for them!